Protein is easily said to be the main cornerstone of any truly effective muscle-building diet. In general, a well-thought-out nutrition plan, combined with an approved workout program, will take you far, but you must not settle for anything less than this. If you're after results, that is.
Proper protein intake has many benefits for your good health. Maintaining anabolism, growth hormone (GH) regulation, IGF-1 release, immune system boost and according to some recent research, it can even extend your lifespan.
Whey Protein After Workout
There are many sources to get your quality protein from - let me start with some of the real food. Beef, chicken, eggs, fish, milk and cheese. These are the staples. A complete protein source contains all essential amino acids - and animal proteins are complete protein sources. Amino acids are the primary source for nitrogen in the body, and having a positive nitrogen balance is essential for proper muscle growth and repair. You really can't go wrong with these basic foods as they hold a consistent stamp of approval by the bodybuilding history.
For convenience, most of the people combine real-food protein with protein shakes. Since we live in hectic times, supplements come as a big help. These products have grown in popularity over the last 25 years because of several factors. They require no cooking time and are also cost effective, and can provide an average serving cost far below that of beef or even chicken.
Although supplement industry can be really confusing these days, you usually cannot miss a target with an good ole' basic protein powder. It has long been and still remains one of the most consistent and effective supplements on the market.
There are many types of protein powders out there - it all depends on your personal needs. The most widely used type is whey protein. It is also the fastest acting protein (highest biological value - BV) and is most quickly absorbed by the body, which can come especially useful with the so-called »critical windows« - in the morning, right after the intense workout and just before going to bed.
We can further divide whey protein products into additional subtypes - whey isolate, whey concentrate and various blends. I personally like to stick to the isolate (a bit more expensive!), although from my personal experience, protein blends are also a wise choice to invest your money in. A blend of concentrate and isolate probably provides the greatest value for your buck.
A far less share on the market is represented by other types of protein supplements - milk protein (casein), egg and soy protein products (aimed mostly at vegetarians). Unless you have special needs or preferences, feel free to ignore these.
How much protein does one need? Protein needs vary by person depending upon weight, age, sex, activity level and overall health. It is widely agreed that athletes / bodybuilders need more protein than the general population. Why? Because weight training is a form of stress. The body requires higher amounts of branched chain amino acids during and following exercise.
The best formula to use is about 1.5 - 2.0 g / kg of body weight (approx. 1 g / pound, minimum) for the average natural bodybuilder per day.
It is also essential to increase your water intake during high protein diet, to keep things running smoothly. There is no need to make it hard on your kidneys, right? Most people walk around dehydrated anyway, without even knowing it.
Bottom line - Without sufficient daily protein intake, you won't have much chance to build a body you've always dreamed of. It is THE nutrient that should be the center of all your meals during the day. Without it you will not get the results you want from your workouts.
Special Price!!! Twinlab Amino Fuel 1000 Body Building Amino Acids, Lean Muscle, 250 Tablets
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Twinlab Amino Fuel 1000 Body Building Amino Acids, Lean Muscle, 250 Tablets Feature
- One bottle containing 250 amino acids tablets
- Contains 25% more protein than original formula, but with the same size tab
- Increases protein synthesis to optimize muscle growth
- Use as part of a low-fat, diet and exercise program
- Take 4 capsules with each meal
Twinlab Amino Fuel 1000 Body Building Amino Acids, Lean Muscle, 250 Tablets Overview
This dietary supplement has body building amino acids for more protein and more muscle. New and improved with 25 percent more protein in the same size tablet. Higher potency and faster absorbing branched chain amino acids, peptide bonded and free amino acids that are essential for building muscle.This supplement helps increase protein synthesis, which optimizes muscle growth. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein availability is an essential element of building muscle when used as part of a low-fat diet and exercise program. Research shows that when taken orally, peptide-bonded amino acids are absorbed faster than other types of proteins. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)
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